The East Wanneroo District Structure Plan
The East Wanneroo District Structure Plan was approved by the Minister for Planning in August 2021. This structure plan provides a long term vision for the development of more than 8,000 hectares which will cater for 150,000 residents, 50,000 dwellings and support up to 20,000 jobs. The formal release of the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan is good news for landowners who would like to divest or develop their land.
What happens next?
Several things need to happen before subdivision and development can take place:
- Preparation of a district developer contribution plan;
- Amendments to the State Government’s Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to reserve land for parklands, roads, high schools and regional sports facilities;
- Rezoning land currently zoned urban deferred or rural under the MRS to urban or industrial and to a development zone under the City’s District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS 2); and
- Preparation of local structure plans.
The East Wanneroo District Structure Plan (DSP) sets out three stages of anticipated development across the structure plan area:
Stage 1 | 2021-2031 | 10,000 dwellings |
Stage 2 | 2031-2051 | 20,000 dwellings |
Stage 3 | 2051+ |
The East Wanneroo DSP divides the area into 28 precincts that take into account environmental, planning, water management and land tenure considerations. Urbanisation is expected to occur with the extension of existing water, wastewater and electricity services from existing urban areas to the west.
Further information
Developer contribution plans (DCP) are a legal arrangement between the City and landowners to share the costs of building new infrastructure in an area that is subdivided and developed. There are two levels of DCPs – a district level and a local level. The district DCP relates to the full district structure plan area which will help fund arterial roads, district level community facilities, groundwater management systems as well as wetland and foreshore management plans. The local DCP relates to more localised infrastructure including local open space and drainage infrastructure.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has commenced preparation of the district DCP for East Wanneroo. Once the Department has finished preparing the DCP (late 2022), the City can initiate an amendment to its District Planning Scheme No. 2 so these requirements form part of the Scheme. This process will include public consultation. Final approval of the scheme amendment may take up to a year to be finalised.
A local DCP may not be required for every precinct and some requirements for contributions) may be managed through the local structure planning and subdivision process. It is more likely a local DCP will be required where there are multiple landowners to ensure fair and equitable contributions.
Amendments to the Metropolitan Region Scheme
The City of Wanneroo is not responsible for initiating amendments to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS). The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website includes East Wanneroo FAQs which state:
“Land affected by new regional reservations will be the subject of future Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) amendments. Main Roads WA will undertake the MRS amendment to create the reserve for the Whiteman Yanchep Highway and the WAPC will be responsible for reserving the land necessary for the Parks and Recreation areas and Integrator Arterial Roads. Where land is identified as containing potential Parks and Recreation reserves and/or high schools, proponents undertaking local structure planning are responsible for requesting the appropriate amendments to the MRS. For more information, please refer to Clause 2.2.1 of Part 1 of the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan.”
Large parts of the East Wanneroo DSP area are currently zoned Urban Deferred under the MRS. Lifting of urban deferment will be considered by the Western Australian Planning Commission in line with their Lifting of Urban Deferment Guidelines and section 2.2.6 of the East Wanneroo DSP which requires the following additional information:
- A concept local structure plan for the precinct
- Confirmation from relevant servicing agencies on the provision of water and wastewater services
- Any other requirements which may be specific to the area.
The East Wanneroo DSP states that lifting of urban deferment will not take place until the MRS is amended to reserve land for major roads, parklands and high school sites.
It is expected that in most instances, a concurrent amendment to rezone the precinct under the City’s DPS 2 will take place.
Preparation of local structure plans
In most instances, preparation of a local structure plan will be undertaken by a developer, who acts on behalf of landowners within the precinct.
A single local structure plan will need to be prepared for each precinct. The local structure plan will set out the plan for future subdivision and zoning of land within the precinct.
The City cannot formally accept local structure plans for assessment until the district DCP and relevant amendments to the MRS have substantially commenced.
While the City cannot yet formally accept local structure plans, we can engage in precinct-level pre-lodgement consultation with developers early in the development of a local structure plan to achieve the best possible outcome. Our pre-lodgement consultation process will involve staff from all relevant areas of the City to ensure consistent and clear guidance is provided.
Subdivision and development can occur once a local structure plan has been approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission. We anticipate that the first local structure plans for individual precincts will be finalised by 2024.
You are under no obligation to develop your land if you don’t want to and you can continue to use your land in line with existing approvals.
Once a local structure plan has been approved in your precinct, you may start to see development occurring in close proximity to you as other people may choose to develop their land.
It is likely each precinct will develop in stages and some existing rural uses may remain in place whilst adjacent land is being redeveloped for urban purposes.
The City will consider development applications that do not relate to the urbanisation of East Wanneroo DSP on a case by case basis, in accordance with its Local Planning Policy 5.3: East Wanneroo.
I am thinking about selling my land. What can I tell prospective buyers?
You should let prospective buyers know that future development of your land is affected by the East Wanneroo DSP. The City can help you or potential buyers understand the impact the DSP may have on your land. It is important to remember that development in East Wanneroo will be driven by the market so timeframes referenced in the DSP are indicative only.
I have been contacted by a developer about selling my land – what do I do?
You may be contacted by a developer about whether you would like to sell your land or enter into a contract to sell your land. The City cannot provide guidance on whether you should sell land to a developer. This is a personal decision for you to make based on your individual circumstances.
Frequently asked questions about the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan are available on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website. If you have any other questions about the East Wanneroo DSP and what it means for your land, please contact the City on 9405 5000.