; Unauthorised works - City of Wanneroo

Notice of closure | Clarkson Library

Clarkson Library will be closed until further notice while the main doors are undergoing repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the work is completed.


Unauthorised works

In most instances, works within the City should not be carried out without the relevant approvals and permits. Works carried out without prior approvals are considered to be unauthorised and may incur penalites for non-compliance.

Unauthorised works can take many forms including:

  • using a property or premises without approval to do so (unlawful use)
  • carrying out works without the correct approvals
  • not complying with a planning approval
  • not complying with a building approval


If you believe that unauthorised work has occurred and would like to report the matter, please submit your request in writing via any of the below options:

When submitting a compliance request, please provide as many details as possible, including the property address, the nature of enquiry or non compliance and your contact details. Your contact details remain confidential will not be disclosed to any other parties.

The City’s Compliance team investigates all planning and building related enquiries. Please note, they can only deal with issues relating to private property.


Compliance enquiries are investigated and actioned in accordance with the City's Local Planning Policy 4.14: Planning Compliance. Depending on the circumstances, compliance action can also be taken in accordance with the state's Planning & Development Act 2005, Building Act 2011, Local Government Act 1995 and various City of Wanneroo Local Laws.


Enforcement action, if necessary, may include:

  • notices and orders, such as direction notices and building orders
  • injunctions to restrain or remedy serious breaches (court orders)
  • infringement notice/fines
  • prosecution proceedings.

Retrospective approvals

Please refer to the City's Unauthorised Works Information Sheet for advice on how to apply for retrospective approval. Should you wish to discuss the requirements, please contact the City’s Approval Services team on 9405 5000.

Related pages/documents

Unauthorised Works Infomation Sheet

Local Planning Policy 4.14: Planning Compliance

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