; District Planning Scheme Number 2 (DPS 2) - District Planning Scheme Number 2 (DPS 2) and the Scheme Amendment Process - City of Wanneroo

Variation to Prohibited Burning Period - Extended 1 April - 14 April 2025

Due to seasonal conditions, the City of Wanneroo has extended its Prohibited Burning Period until 14 April 2025 inclusive. No Permits to burn will be issued prior to this date.


District Planning Scheme Number 2 (DPS 2) and the Scheme Amendment Process

District Planning Scheme Number 2 (DPS 2)

The City's District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS 2) is a statutory document which provides the framework for the planning and development of land.  DPS 2 sets out the way land is to be used and developed by classifying various land uses into appropriate zones, for example residential and commercial.  DPS 2 also includes controls to ensure long-term planning objectives are achieved.

DPS 2 comprises:


  • Scheme text gazetted on 6 July 2001 (as amended); and
  • Supplemental Provisions to the Deemed Provisions, contained in Schedule A of the scheme text.

The text which can be downloaded below comprises all of the above text.


The maps comprise:

  • The Scheme Maps, which show zones and reserves and areas which are subject to Special Control Areas
  • Residential Density Code Maps, which show Residential Design Codes, as well as areas which are subject to Structure Plans

The map which can be downloaded below shows all of the above mapping information, except for areas which are subject to Structure Plans.  (Information regarding Structure Plans is available under 'Structure Plans and Local Development Plans'.)

DPS 2 map

DPS 2 text

How to request a Scheme Amendment 

The City’s District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS 2) is a planning framework that guides development within the City of Wanneroo (the City).  It designates each land parcel with a development zone, such as Residential or Commercial, and/or a residential density code.  These zones determine what uses and development may be allowed on that land.  The zone/code of a land parcel can be changed through an amendment to DPS 2.

Who can request a Scheme Amendment 

The owners of a land parcel within the scheme area can request an amendment to the City’s DPS 2.  The City may also propose an amendment to bring the scheme in line with the Metropolitan Region Scheme.

Preparing a Scheme Amendment 

The City recommends landowners engage a Planning Consultant to prepare amendment documentation.  The proposal must include details of the subject site, the amendment and purpose for which it is sought together with justification for the application and any supporting documentation that may be required.   

Any proposal to amend DPS 2 which specifically affects land that is designated as a ‘Bushfire Prone Area’ is to be accompanied by the information prescribed in State Planning Policy 3.7: Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (SPP 3.7) and be prepared by an accredited Bushfire Planning Practitioner.

What you need to lodge a Scheme Amendment online

  • A covering letter which includes consent for the use of any copyrighted material provided in support of the proposed amendment
  • Amendment report
  • Supporting documentation as required

All new Scheme Amendments should be submitted electronically through the City’s online lodgement portal.

Application to amend the City’s Planning Scheme


Upon receipt of the proposal the City will provide an estimate of the fees required in accordance with the City’s Planning Fee Schedule.  Should Council resolve not to initiate the amendment, the applicant will be refunded that portion of the fee that has not been used during Council’s assessment of the proposal.

The Scheme Amendment Process

Initial Assessment

Following the City’s assessment of the proposal a report will be presented to Council to initiate the amendment and determine whether the amendment is a basic, standard or complex amendment in accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations).

If Council resolves to initiate the amendment the City will request the applicant to prepare formal scheme amendment documentation in accordance with the City’s scheme amendment template.

Once this has been completed to the City’s satisfaction the Amendment will be referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to determine whether there is a need for an environmental assessment and preliminary approval to advertise.  If the Amendment is determined as complex the City is also required to seek approval to advertise the amendment from the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Advertising (applies to Standard and Complex Amendments only)

On receipt of approval to advertise the amendment the City will arrange advertising in accordance with Part 5 of the Regulations.  Standard amendments are advertised for a minimum period of 42 days and complex amendments for a minimum period of 60 days.  The City may request the applicant arrange a sign on site during the advertising period.

Any person may lodge a submission, providing comments for or against the proposed amendment during the advertising period.

Council Determination

The City will prepare a report considering the submissions for Council’s determination.  Should Council resolve to support the scheme amendment with or without modifications, the City is required to forward the submissions together with Council’s comments and recommendations to the WAPC.  Should Council resolve not to support the Amendment it is still required to forward the documents and recommendation to the WAPC.

Final Determination

The WAPC considers any submissions and recommendations by the City and makes its recommendations to the Minister for Planning who may approve the amendment with or without modifications or refuse the amendment.  The final decision rests with the Minister. 

If the Minister requires modifications, the Amendment is referred back to the City to arrange for the amendment document to be updated accordingly.

Following final approval the amendment is published in the Government Gazette and takes effect from that date.  The City then makes the required changes to the scheme text and maps.

The City’s DPS 2 is available to view on the City’s website.  In addition, all zoning and r-coding designated under the City’s Local Planning Scheme can be viewed on the City’s online mapping system under the zoning module.