Notice of closure | Clarkson Library
Clarkson Library will be closed until further notice while the main doors are undergoing repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the work is completed.
Planning and building
Information on Planning and building
- Approval statistics
- Building Act & Regulations
- Building application forms, notices & checklists
- Building information sheets
- Bushfire Regulations
- Changes to the Residential Design Codes (Medium Density Codes)
- Deemed-to-Comply Checks
- Design Review Panel (DRP)
- Developer contribution schemes
- Development Assessment Panel
- District Planning Scheme Number 2 (DPS 2) and the Scheme Amendment Process
- Dividing fences
- Gaming Permits (Section 55 Certificates)
- Liquor Licences (Section 39 and 40 Certificates)
- Local Planning Policies
- Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendments
- National Construction Code (Building Code of Australia)
- Obtrusive outdoor lighting
- Online building applications
- Online mapping
- Online Planning Applications
- Planning applications
- Planning engineering
- Proposed changes to Local Planning Policy 5.3: East Wanneroo
- Residential Design Codes
- Residential Recoding
- Significant Development Assessment Unit (SDAU)
- Strata Scheme (Built Strata) Subdivision
- Street addressing
- Structure Plans & Local Development Plans (LDP)
- Subdivisions
- Submitting a Development Application
- Traffic Management Plans (TMP)
- Unauthorised works
- Urbanisation of East Wanneroo
- What approvals do I need?
- Written planning advice