; Barking dog nuisance request - City of Wanneroo

Barking dog nuisance request

Important information

Before you complete this online form, have you tried to resolve the issue yourself?

You can do this by visiting your neighbour and politely explain to the owner when the dog is barking and how it affects you. This conversation should be courteous, informative and supportive of any suggestions. 

Alternatively, you can download and complete a Barking Dog Card 

If your attempt to resolve the issue directly with your neighbour has been unsuccessful and the persistent barking has not decreased, an official barking dog complaint may be lodged with the City.

Before you complete this form, please make sure you have the following details:

  • Your full name, address, date of birth, contact number, email address; and
  • The address in which the barking dog resides

Without these details, you will not be able to formally report the nuisance dog. Due to the requirements of the Dog Act 1976, complainant details are required in case the matter has to go to court, therefore this cannot be reported to the City anonymously.

Once the City receives your notification of your official barking dog complaint, a 7 day diary and information pack will then be provided to you to record:

  • The address of where the dog resides
  • the dates and times that barking has occurred; and
  • How long the dog barked for on each occasion.

The reason the City requires a completed diary is to gather evidence of the times and duration of the barking in question so that, if we establish that the barking is indeed a nuisance, we can ensure that both the owner of the animal and the Ranger assisting are able to identify the root cause of the issue and work towards a suitable solution.  

For further information, please visit our Barking Dogs webpage.

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