; Freedom of Information Act 1992 - Freedom of information - City of Wanneroo

Bushfire - Advice

A Bushfire Advice is in place for people in an area bounded by Wanneroo Road, Bernard Road North and Bernard Road South in parts of CARABOODA in the CITY OF WANNEROO. Click for further information.


Freedom of information

Freedom of Information Act 1992

Information held by the City of Wanneroo can be obtained by making an application via the provisions within the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA).

Freedom of Information application form
Freedom of Information fees and charges
Information statement

The City of Wanneroo states what information is accessible via the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act within its Information Statement. People requiring information from the City should first consider whether they could obtain the information simply upon request (e.g. if the information is already available via the website, or can be purchased or is available via the Local Government Act).

Any other information can be requested via a valid FOI application.

Information obtained via the Freedom of Information Act is external to the information obtainable via the Local Government Act 1995 (and its relevant accompanying Acts and regulations.)

For help or more information on making an application via the Freedom of Information Act in writing, please contact us and ask for the FOI Coordinator.

By telephone
9405 5000
Contact us page
(08) 9405 5499
City of Wanneroo, Locked Bag1, Wanneroo WA 6946