Good Governance and Conduct
The City of Wanneroo has adopted a Corporate Governance Framework which provides governance guidance not only for the Elected Members but also to all City employees. The Framework is a vital component in the system of corporate and organisational governance for the City.
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A Code of Conduct is a legislative requirement under the Local Government Act 1995 and is to be observed by Elected Members, Committee Members and employees. Having good codes of conduct that are understood and supported is critical for good governance.
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Relevant persons are required to disclose gifts and contributions to travel over $200 within 10 days of receipt. Local Governments must publish a Report on Training for each Financial Year. Full details of these requirements and disclosures made are available by clicking below.
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The City is committed to a strong culture and sound governance that will safeguard public funds and property. The City considers fraud, corruption and misconduct to be serious matters to which the City adopts a zero tolerance approach.
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