; Galleries - Museums and Heritage - City of Wanneroo

Notice of closure | Clarkson Library

Clarkson Library will be closed until further notice while the main doors are undergoing repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the work is completed.


Galleries - Museums and Heritage

Available galleries

Wildflower Tea Set, Chris Fryters. Acquired 1995, Pewter/Copper

Art Collection - Collectibles (Functional)

Storm Over Copse, Stuart Elliott. Acquired 2006, Print.

Art Collection - Digital

Statue Sketch, Jon Tarry. Acquired 2001, Pencil and Wash.

Art Collection - Drawing

Untitled, Irwin Lewis. Acquired 1993, Ceramic.

Art Collection - Indigenous

Girl in Pink, Antony Muia Acquired 2001, Mixed Media on Paper

Art Collection - Mixed Media

Sentinel Life Saver - Susan Hoy. Acquired 2024. Gouache paint on watercolour paper.

Art Collection - Painting

The Bush, Pat McKie. Acquired 1992, Pastels

Art Collection - Pastels

Old Wanneroo School House 1, Christopher Young. Acquired 2006, Photograph

Art Collection - Photography

9 x 9 No. 1, Eveline Kotai. Acquired 2001, Silkscreen on Arches

Art Collection - Printmaking

Urban Landscape 13 (Growing a Home), Theo Koning. Acquired 2001, Wall Sculpture Mixed Media

Art Collection - Sculpture

Banksias in Silk, Lyn Frankie. Acquired in 2003, Silk paper, dye and stitch

Art Collection - Textiles