; Deputations - Council meeting dates, agendas and minutes - City of Wanneroo

Bushfire - Advice

A Bushfire Advice is in place for people in an area bounded by Wanneroo Road, Bernard Road North and Bernard Road South in parts of CARABOODA in the CITY OF WANNEROO. Click for further information.


Council meeting dates, agendas and minutes


The procedure for Deputations has changed for 2021. Deputations can now be presented during the Briefing Session. 

During the Briefing Session, members of the public may, by appointment, present a Deputation relating to items on the current Briefing Session Agenda. A maximum of up to ten minutes (dependent on the number of deputations received) is permitted for each deputation with up to three people to address the Council Members.

If you wish to present a Deputation, please complete our online form:

Deputation request

Please note that Deputation requests are to be received no later than 9:00am on the day of the Briefing Session, and must relate to an item on the current Briefing Session Agenda.