Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 26/11/2020 to 03/01/2021.

Latest Update on Alkimos Aquatic Recreation Centre
Following community feedback on the concept plan and the successful acquisition of funding commitments, the Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre is moving forward, with the goal to open to the public in 2026.
Click here for the latest updates on the progress of the project.
Funding situation
The project currently has funding of $65 million. This funding includes pledges of $30 million from the Federal Government, $10 million from the State Government and $10.6 million through the Alkimos-Eglinton Developer Contribution Plan. Additional funding was secured from the Federal Government thanks to the support of the community who pooled together with the City to advocate for additional funding. This means the City is now a step closer to being able to deliver a full-featured aquatic and recreation facility in your community.
Your support
We thank our community for their support and efforts, which were instrumental in attracting the additional funding for the AARC.
Continue your support of the AARC by subscribing to this project to receive updates and news.
Concept plan engagement
Thank you to everyone who participated in the community engagement on the Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre (AARC), which was conducted over 8 weeks between December 2021 and January 2022.
The purpose for the engagement was to get feedback on the draft concept plan, which was made available through an online interactive plan.
Even though the engagement period is now over, you can still view the plan for the build of the centre, people’s comments, votes and view a video walk through.
In July 2020 the City of Wanneroo Council endorsed a business case for the Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre.
The new centre will transform Alkimos Central and bring significant social and economic benefits to the area and surrounding suburbs. The site will have easy access for the general public through the planned METRONET Alkimos train and bus stations, and via the Mitchell Freeway extension.
The construction of a public swimming pool in our northern coastal suburbs has been a high priority for the City for a number of years. In February 2018, Council unanimously carried a Motion on Notice approving the inclusion of an Aquatic and Recreation Centre development in the City’s Advocacy Strategy.
Currently, the only public aquatic facility servicing the City is Wanneroo Aquamotion, which includes a 25 metre indoor lap pool. For many residents, the closest facilities are HBF Arena and Craigie Leisure Centre in the City of Joondalup. The North Coast Aquatic and Recreation Centre will be ideally placed to meet increased demand and provide greater convenience for residents of our northern coastal suburbs.
The business case recommends a staged approach to establishing aquatic facilities in the northern growth corridor; first at Alkimos Central and a second facility at Yanchep in the longer term, as Yanchep develops.
- Name: Ian Ireland, Senior Project Manager
- Email:
- Telephone: 08 9405 5000