; Northern Coastal Growth Corridor – Community Facilities Plan Review | City of Wanneroo

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Northern Coastal Growth Corridor – Community Facilities Plan Review

Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 19/06/2020 to 02/08/2020.


Following a detailed consultancy period, the City of Wanneroo is in the closing stages of reviewing the Northern Coastal Growth Corridor – Community Facilities Plan.

The City is looking to ensure sport and recreation facilities in the Northern Corridor are planned effectively.

The Plan will provide the City with a guide as to future facility provision in the northern corridor.  It outlines what is needed now, in the short term (in the next ten years) and the long term (beyond 2041).

The final document will be guided by many determining factors, including sport and recreation trends, population growth and demographic requirements.

As the plan progresses, individual projects will be identified and executed as per the City’s processes. This includes consultation with relevant stakeholders and the community.
