; Neerabup - JDAP - Proposed Service Station - Lot 42 (2038) Wanneroo Road | City of Wanneroo

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Neerabup - JDAP - Proposed Service Station - Lot 42 (2038) Wanneroo Road

Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 09/03/2020 to 31/03/2020.

Development application was approved by the  Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel at it's meeting held on 14 January 2021 - See JDAP Meeting Minutes


JDAP - Proposed Service Station  – 2038 Wanneroo Road, Neerabup - DA2020/214

Public comment is invited on the above proposal which is being advertised until 31 March 2020.

The application proposes to redevelop the existing United service station facility at the site, including associated parking, access, landscaping and signage. 

The service station is proposed to continue operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Comments can be emailed to enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au or mailed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Wanneroo, Locked Bag 1, WANNEROO WA 6946. 

Should you wish to make a submission please state:

  • Your name and address;
  • How your interests are affected; whether as a private citizen, on behalf of a company or other organisation, or as an owner or occupier of property; and
  • Whether your submission is in support of, or objecting to the proposal and provide any arguments supporting your comments

Following the conclusion of the consultation period the application will then proceed to be determined by the Metro North-West Joint Development Assessment Panel.

Should you make a submission on this planning proposal, please note that your details may be made public at a Metro North-West Joint Development Assessment Panel meeting and included in an Agenda, which will be available on the Western Australian Planning Commission's website, unless you specifically request otherwise in your submission.
