; Residential Recoding: Wanneroo and Girrawheen-Koondoola | City of Wanneroo

Variation to Prohibited Burning Period - Extended 1 April - 14 April 2025

Due to seasonal conditions, the City of Wanneroo has extended its Prohibited Burning Period until 14 April 2025 inclusive. No Permits to burn will be issued prior to this date.


Residential Recoding: Wanneroo and Girrawheen-Koondoola

Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 23/06/2015 to 04/08/2015.



    On the 12 April 2016, the Minister for Planning granted final approval to Amendment No. 119 and it was published in the Government Gazette on the 29 April 2016.

    For more information, please see the approved Amendment provisions and maps in the Document Library below.  


What has happened

Following extensive detailed planning and community engagement, the City prepared a Scheme Amendment (Amendment No. 119) to increase the residential density of housing precincts in Wanneroo and Girrawheen-Koondoola. The Amendment proposes to recode areas of Wanneroo and Girrawheen-Koondoola from R20 to R20/R40 and R20/R60 and introduces provisions to the City’s District Planning Scheme No. 2 to guide subdivision and development at the higher density code (please note that the Girrawheen-Koondoola housing precinct also includes small parts of the southern area of Marangaroo and Alexander Heights).

Public consultation was undertaken from the 23 June 2015 to the 4 August 2015. All submissions received were reviewed and presented to Council at a meeting on the 15 September 2015.

Following this, the City forwarded the proposed scheme amendment to the WAPC for assessment.

On the 29 February 2016, the City received confirmation that the proposed scheme amendment has been approved subject to modifications. Following this, the City endeavoured to forward an updated scheme amendment report to the WAPC seeking final sign off by the Minister for Planning.

On the 19 April 2016, the City received formal notification that the Minister for Planning issued final approval to Amendment No. 119 on the 12 April 2016, and it was published in the Government Gazette on the 29 April 2016.

What is happening now

Now that Amendment No. 119 has been Gazetted, subdivision, development and/or building applications may be assessed under the new R Codes.

The City is in the process of preparing a local planning policy to guide the implementation of the new District Planning Scheme No. 2 split code provisions. The draft policy is expected to be adopted for advertising prior to the end of the financial year.

In the interim, an information sheet is available in the Document Library below.


You can receive further information by:

City of Wanneroo

Email: enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au  

In person: By visiting the City's Civic Centre

Phone: 9405 5000

Department of Planning

For enquiries regarding a subdivision application, please contact the Department of Planning as outlined below:

Email: corporate@planning.wa.gov.au  

Phone: 6551 9000
