Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 17/11/2023 to 15/12/2023.

As part of the City’s commitment to deliver the Active Transport Plan 2022/23 to 2025/26, a Safe Active Street (SAS) walking and bike riding route is planned for Santa Rosalia Vista, Seurat Loop and Cezanne Bend, connected by a shared path and mid-block crossing point on Pinjar Road between Santa Rosalia Vista and Seurat Loop.
Safe Active Streets (SAS) are active transport routes on quiet local streets, where speeds have been reduced to 30 km/h to allow for a safer shared street space. With lower traffic speeds, the streets become safer for users of all ages and abilities, as well as for drivers. They also form part of the wider active transport network, connecting to off-road shared paths and linking community amenities such as schools, railway stations or shops.
The City has revised its design of the Santa Rosalia Vista, Seurat Loop, Cezanne Bend Safe Active Street based on the feedback we have received from the community during our drop in session, through online survey results and via email during May 2023; and is progressing with a second round of engagement with the community on a revised concept plan provided for download.
Detailed design of the SAS is funded through the Department of Transport’s WA Bicycle Network Grants Program in 2023/24.
Have your say
Based on previous community feedback, the consultation period has been extended to four weeks from Monday 20th November to Friday 15th December 2023. Residents can have their say via:
- Our interactive mapping tool
- Email to
- Post to City of Wanneroo, Locked Bag 1 Wanneroo WA 6946.
Digital copies of the revised concept drawings can be downloaded from the Documents Section on this page.
After the consultation period has concluded, the City will review the feedback and brief the Mayor and Council members. In instances where no response is received, it is considered that residents support the design as presented. Following the consultation period and review by Council a final detailed design will be drafted by the City to be reviewed and accepted by DoT.
Additional design elements
The following design elements have been amended:
- A dual lane slow point is proposed in lieu of a single lane slow point adjacent #30 Santa Rosalia Vista, in response to concerns with vehicle congestion at peak times
- Spur road at Santa Rosalia Vista and Capri Leone Way closed, providing opportunity for landscaping and additional tree planting
- Red asphalt speed humps removed adjacent #22 Santa Rosalia Vista
- On-street parking removed adjacent #30 and #36 Santa Rosalia Vista
- On-street parking relocated from the northern verge adjacent #43 Santa Rosalia Vista to southern verge adjacent #2 Capri Leone Way
Pathway investigations
In addition to the feedback on the design, the City received a number of requests for pathway infrastructure to be provided which has been investigated below.
Pinjar Road
Due to excessive slopes, service and vegetation on the verge along Pinjar Road from Wanneroo Road to Messina Drive and Bonnanella Entrance to Caporn Street, it is not feasible to construct a shared pathway on the south-east side of Pinjar Road.
Cezanne Bend and Seurat Loop
Construction of a pathway on the east side of Seurat Loop and Cezanne Bend is not possible due to insufficient verge width. With the need for a high number of road crossings on the north-west side and with impact to property crossovers, construction of a pathway on the north-west side is also not suitable.
For further information, Community members can visit the Department of Transport website:
- Name: Traffic Services
- Email:
- Telephone: 08 9405 5000