Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 15/08/2023 to 30/09/2023.

Presently, there are no legislated fishing restrictions along City of Wanneroo managed beaches.
To enable us to effectively review fishing activities on the City’s beaches, we want your feedback where recreational fishing is carried out on our beaches where there are surf lifesaving activities.
Feedback invited
Have your say on how often you visit City beaches, how you use them and if you think limitations should be placed on fishing activities in areas where surf lifesaving activities are taking place? The survey should only take respondents 5 minutes to complete.
Your feedback will help the City determine if any beach fish restrictions are required for safety, environmental, or any other reasons.
Contact the project team if you have any questions regarding fishing on beaches.
- Name: Kirsten Thrush, Manager Community Safety and Emergency Services
- Email:
- Telephone: 08 9405 5000