Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 19/12/2022 to 27/02/2023.

Excess sea wrack (seagrass and seaweed) often accumulates along Two Rocks Beach, immediately south of the Two Rocks Marina.
The City of Wanneroo is currently in the process of investigating possible options to manage excess sea wrack accumulation in the area and would like to gain feedback from community members and beach users on possible management options.
Sea wrack accumulation in Two Rocks is caused by the Two Rocks Marina, which interrupts the alongshore movement of both sand and sea wrack. The beach immediately south of the Two Rocks Marina has experienced ongoing sea wrack accumulation since the construction of the marina, particularly during summer months, resulting in issues with beach usability, public safety and odour.
In 2020 the Department of Transport (DoT) undertook a study which assessed the accumulation of sea wrack in Two Rocks and recommended that a Sea Wrack Management Trial be undertaken. The DoT Two Rocks Summer Wrack Accumulation Study (2020) can be found here.
In response, the City, in consultation with the DoT and the Two Rocks Yanchep Residents Association, conducted a Sea Wrack Management Trial in March 2022 which included the following:
- Regular beach monitoring to identify when the deposited sea wrack becomes an issue;
- Pushing of the deposited sea wrack back into the ocean using loaders on the beach during favourable weather conditions; and
- Deployment of GPS drifters into the water with the sea wrack to track sea wrack movements and confirm that the wrack is removed from the beach area.
Unfortunately, during the trial, these methods did not achieve the desired results, we are now asking the community for their ideas on sea wrack removal for the area.
Feedback invited
The City is currently assessing alternative sea wrack management options and would like to consult with the community to agree on the best and most beneficial sea wrack management option.
All options put forward are subject to council consideration, environmental approvals and land use approvals. Have your say through our community survey through to COB, Monday, 27 February 2023.
If you have any queries, please contact the City’s Coastal Engineer.
- Name: Sarah McCulloch, Coastal Engineer – Asset Maintenance
- Email:
- Telephone: 08 9405 5841