Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 05/09/2022 to 09/02/2023.

Community Update 2023
The City of Wanneroo community was invited to provide their views in September and October 2022 on the proposed changes to Bulk Waste collection changes by completing a survey or leaving a comment on the community engagement portal, Your Say.
During this time the City’s Your Say page received almost 10,000 views from 3,771 unique users as well as over 1,000 community members completing the survey.
The proposed changes involve moving from the current scheduled service for bulk waste and bulk greens, to a pre-booked system. This will allow residents the same service, at a time that is more convenient to them.
What you told us
Responses highlighted five key themes which are important to the community when considering bulk waste collection:
- Resource recovery - Residents feel strongly about sending less waste to landfill.
- Visual amenity – Residents care about the aesthetics of their streets.
- Convenience - Residents mention convenience as a key feature of the pre-booked service.
- Cost - Residents expressed concerns about service costs.
- Illegal dumping – Residents believe bulk waste collections influence illegal dumping behaviours.
Read the full analysis of feedback by clicking below:
Pre-booked Bulk Verge Collection Community Consultation Insights
How will it work?
Residents will receive the same service at a time more convenient for them. This means one bulk junk and one bulk greens collection from the verge each year. Extra collections will be available for a fee. The proposed process is as follows:
- Contact the City to book a collection.
- Book online or over the phone. - Select the collection type and waste types.
- Tell us the types of waste you need collecting. (Discover other ways to rehome or dispose of your unwanted goods – you might not need a bulk collection after all). - Choose your collection dates.
- You can choose a time that suits you from the available dates. (Operational capacity and seasonal demand will influence availability). - Present your bulk waste.
- Place items on the verge in separate piles according to waste type three days before collection date. (This keeps our streets neat and maximises what we can recycle). - Collection occurs.
- Your bulk waste is picked up by our waste team, using specialised vehicles.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the 3m³ limit?The 3m³ quantity will assist the City to achieve the targets of the State’s Waste Strategy and ensure operational efficiency as well keeping our streets tidy.
Items that can be recycled such as mattresses, whitegoods, electronics and scrap metal are not included in the size limits and are to be kept separate, although quantity limits for these items may apply.
Can all of the same type of waste be placed out as the current service?Yes. When you book, you will get a guide on how to present your items for collection so that we can collect items separately for more effective recycling.
How can items in good condition be repurposed instead of going to landfill?The new system will prompt residents to consider alternative opportunities for items in good condition. Many organisations offer free collection from your home, and there are multiple opportunities to list items via second-hand marketplaces.
How much will this new process cost residents?The cost of one bulk junk and one bulk greens collection per year is included in the waste charge issued with your annual rates. If you require an extra collection once you have used your yearly allocation, these can be booked for a fee. This fee will be included in the schedule of fees and charges prior to the new system commencing.
When will the pre-booked collections start?Following Council endorsement, it will take up to 18 months to implement the proposed pre-booked bulk waste collection service. Scheduled collections will continue to take place in the meantime.
If you have any questions about the proposed changes you can email or call 08 9450 5000
The City of Wanneroo completed a service delivery review of its Waste Services in 2018.
The review’s Transition Plan guides key changes needed to achieve preferred waste management outcomes. It will ensure that the community is provided with better practice waste services, maximise resource recovery, minimise costs and cope with expected population growth.
As it is a summary, detailed reviews of individual services are completed to ensure current circumstances and legislative obligations are considered.
The City has now completed a review of the way we deliver our bulk waste collection service. The review considered the objectives of the State Waste Strategy and the Waste Authority’s Vergeside Better Practice guidelines.
The preferred option needed to be environmentally and financially sustainable, safe and operationally practical, both now and into the future. Council was presented with the results of the review and are now seeking community feedback for their consideration.
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- Name: Waste Services Project Team
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- Telephone: 08 9405 5000