Community Funding Program Review

Have your say on the City's community funding opportunities
The City is reviewing the way it distributes funding to community groups and individuals to ensure it is fair, effective, and meets the needs and expectations of residents.
Our aim is to provide better opportunities for individuals, community groups and businesses to receive the City’s support to deliver amazing initiatives and events within their local community.
In this first phase, we would like to hear what you think of our existing community funding opportunities through a community survey, which is open until Wednesday, 26 February.
See below for background details on the program and ways to have a say.
About the program
Since 2002, groups have been able to apply for grants as part of the City’s Community Funding Program under four categories:
- Community Development– projects and activities that contribute to the growth and enrichment of community life in the City (applications accepted twice a year)
- Community Event– community-based events developed and conducted within the City of Wanneroo (applications accepted twice a year)
- Hallmark Event– events that contribute to the City’s history and identity, for example, to mark ANZAC Day (applications accepted every three years)
- Christmas Community Celebration Event (applications accepted every five years).
The City also regularly provides donations, sponsorships and youth scholarships to individuals and groups through a less formal application process.
We are now reviewing these various programs to ensure they address the needs of our community.
Opportunities to have a say
In addition to the community survey, representatives from relevant community or stakeholder groups are invited have a say through these channels:
- Online comment through the “Shared community comments” section on this page
- Direct feedback to the project manager through the Project Manager online form
- Write to us directly addressing your letter to: Chief Executive Officer, City of Wanneroo Locked Bag 1 WANNEROO WA 6946.
Key Dates
Public comment period opened
29 January
Date: 30/01/2020
Community Survey closes
26 February
Date: 27/02/2020
Project team analyses community feedback
27 February to 6 March 2020
Date: 07/03/2020
Presentation to Council
Date: 01/04/2020
Community Funding Review Flyer 356 KB
Submit your comments
Please refer to the City's Rules of Engagement before submitting a comment.
Shared community comments
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Use our Project Enquiry online form to contact us directly with any questions or comments.
Project contact
Name: Laura Canham, Senior Project Manager
Telephone: 9405 5000