; Aquamotion creche - Wanneroo Aquamotion health and fitness - City of Wanneroo

Notice of closure | Clarkson Library

Clarkson Library will be closed until further notice while the main doors are undergoing repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the work is completed.


Wanneroo Aquamotion health and fitness

Aquamotion creche

Our creche incorporates modern facilities with caring and friendly staff who will provide you with peace-of-mind while you work out. For babies over eight weeks up to kids nine years of age.

Opening hours

Open Monday to Friday 8:45am - 12noon and Saturday 8:00am - 11:00am.


  • Up to 1.5 hours
    First child - $5
    Second child - $4
  • 1.5 to 3 hours
    First child - $3
    Second child - $3


  • Please contact us on 9405 5999 or email: wannerooaquamotion@wanneroo.wa.gov.au
  • All crèche bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance and paid upon booking.This enables us to adhere to child/staff ratios.
  • Bookings can be made up to 2 weeks in advance.
  • If your child cannot attend on the day of your booking, please call and advise our staff on 9405 5999 by 8:30am of that morning

Please note: crèche costs will not be refunded if you fail to notify the centre, as per the cancellation policy above.


  • Parents must remain within the Wanneroo Aquamotion centre at all times.
  • If a child is upset, needs feeding, needs to go to the bathroom or a nappy change and crèche staff are unable to attend to those needs in a timely manner, then the parent will be requested to return immediately to the crèche.
  • This crèche service is not an approved education and care service

Health Policy

  • Children cannot attend the crèche when they are sick. Please keep your child away from the crèche if they have suffered vomiting, diarrhoea or conjunctivitis etc.
  • Medication cannot be administered to your child by crèche staff.
  • Children will be returned to parents immediately if they become sick during their attendance at the crèche.