; Wanneroo Aquamotion Conditions of Entry - City of Wanneroo

Notice of closure | Clarkson Library

Clarkson Library will be closed until further notice while the main doors are undergoing repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the work is completed.


Wanneroo Aquamotion Conditions of Entry

Please find below the conditions of entry to Wanneroo Aquamotion. 

  1. Obey all signs. They are placed for your safety and comfort.
  2. All children under 10 years of age must be supervised by a responsible person 16 years of age or older at all times.
  3. All children under the age of 5 must be accompanied in the water at all times by an adult at no more than arm's length.
  4. Babies, children and persons suffering incontinence and who ordinarily wear nappies must wear an aqua-nappy when in the waterbody.
  5. Children should use the toilet before entering the pool.
  6. Do not enter the facility if suffering from any skin problem, illness or disease that is contagious.
  7. Do not enter water if under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
  8. All floating toys and objects are to be removed from the pool after use.
  9. Abide by the Pool, Spa and Sauna Rules of Use located at the entry point of these areas. Do not use soap, detergent or any other substance in the pool, spa or sauna.
  10. Do not climb up, or onto a fence or partition or roof within the pool premises.
  11. Remove all rubbish from the pool area.
  12. Do not enter water if in an unclean condition, or wearing unclean clothes.
  13. Do not deposit rubbish, or offensive material e.g. bodily wastes into the water.
  14. People with contact lenses should remove them before entering the pool.
  15. Inappropriate and aggressive language or behaviour will not be tolerated.
  16. Centre Management, and its designated representatives, reserve the right to refuse entry.
  17. No photography allowed within the pool area.
  18. Persons entering the Centre shall not carry out any form of commercial or business activity without express consent being first obtained. Centre Management will determine the suitability of the activity before it considers approval.
  19. Each person granted entry to the centre acknowledges and agrees that they will enter upon the premises and/or participate in the programs, utilise the equipment and/or take advantage of the services offered therein, absolutely at his or her own risk.
    Furthermore, each person indemnifies the City of Wanneroo, its management staff and all contractors from all claims for loss, damage or injury which may be sustained in connection with their use of the premises.
  20. You may be required by Centre Management to leave the Centre at any time.
  21. No bikes, scooters, skate boards or roller blades are to be bought into the centre or left in the foyer. Bike racks are available outside the entrance.
  22. No alcohol is to be consumed on the premises
  23. Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated within the Centre. Patrons displaying abusive behaviour towards staff members or other patrons will be asked to leave the Centre.
  24. Patron’s must observe pool etiquette at all times, including keeping to the left of lanes and in single file, using lanes and other areas allocated for their specific activity.
  25. Private coaching, teaching or instructing of patrons that is deemed by Centre Management to be in conflict with centre run programs not permitted within the centre. This includes but is not limited to swim teaching, swim coaching, personal training.
  26. The Centre is a non–smoking venue. Smoking is not permitted within the indoor or outdoor areas of the centre.