; Aboriginal resources - City of Wanneroo

Aboriginal resources

There are a range of local and Western Australian based organisations supporting Aboriginal people in our community and across Perth.

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Services directories


  • Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia
    AHCWA is the peak body for Aboriginal health in Western Australia. They work to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal people and their communities.
  • Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
    Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet works towards closing the gap by providing the evidence base to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
  • National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
    NACCHO is the national leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia. They provide advice and guidance to the Australian Government on policy and budget matters. They also advocate for community-developed health solutions that contribute to the quality of life and improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Aged care

  • Marmun Yorga Elders Gathering Group
    Provided by People Who Care, the Marmun Yorga Elders Gathering Group helps older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples remain connected to their community and their preferred services and supports.
  • My Aged Care
    Provides support with finding aged care services for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders who are 50 years and older. 

Family and domestic violence

  • Dardi Munwurro
    Dardi Munwurro (Strong Spirit) is a specialist Aboriginal family violence service for men. They deliver a range of family violence programs to break the cycle of inter-generational trauma in Aboriginal families and communities. These include Men’s camps and gatherings, change program and 24/7 crisis line, and more.
  • Djinda Service
    Run by Relationships Australia WA, this service supports women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. They do this through counselling, child protection, referrals to services and face-to-face meetings.

Health and wellbeing

  • Derbarl Yerrigan
    The Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service provides culturally secure primary health, mental health and dental services for Aboriginal families living right across the Perth metropolitan area.
  • WellMob
    WellMob brings together online resources made by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Here you will find websites, apps, podcasts, videos, social media, and online counselling all with a focus on social and emotional wellbeing.
  • BreastScreen WA - Aboriginal women
    BreastScreen WA works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their communities to support access to free breast screening. They do this by providing a culturally safe environment, culturally approved resources and developing partnerships within the local Aboriginal communities of WA.
  • Diabetes WA - Aboriginal Health
    The Aboriginal Health Officers at Diabetes WA provide telehealth appointment and a range of resources and information to help Aboriginal people to understand and manage their diabetes.
  • Moorditj Djena
    The WA East Metropolitan Health Service is a podiatry and diabetes education outreach program for Aboriginal people within the Perth metropolitan area.
  • Strong Spirit Strong Mind
    The Strong Spirit Strong Mind Aboriginal programs offer information, practical tips and resources to help to address mental health challenges and alcohol and drug addiction.
  • 13YARN
    13 YARN provide online or phone crisis support 24/7 to confidentially yarn with another Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.
  • Moorditj Yarning
    Facilitated by Relationships Australia WA, this phone counselling service offers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples a healing space to talk about things that are worrying them.

Legal services

  • Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Limited
    ALSWA is currently the largest community based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal organisation in Australia. It provides legal aid services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Western Australia.