; CCTV Rebate Scheme - City of Wanneroo

CCTV Rebate Scheme

Applications for the CCTV Rebate Scheme for 2023/24 have now closed. Information for the 2024/25 Rebate Scheme will be available soon.

City of Wanneroo residents, businesses and community groups can apply for a rebate of up to 30 per cent off the cost of a new CCTV installation to a maximum of $500.

The CCTV Rebate scheme aims to reduce crime and empower residents to take a proactive approach to crime prevention by providing an incentive for the purchase and installation of hard wired CCTV system. This program is a 21st century upgrade to neighbourhood watch and aims to increase the number of CCTV systems within the City in an effort to make it a safer place for everyone.

To be eligible CCTV systems must be a public view camera and look over public spaces such as roads, footpaths or parks. 

Applying for the CCTV Rebate

The process

The CCTV Rebate Scheme is a two-step process:


  • Applicants must seek and receive approval from the City for the proposed CCTV system before purchasing and installing a system ('Pre-approval’). This is done via the Application for pre-approval online form.


  • The City will contact a successful applicant via email with a 'Pre-approval' letter.
  • Applicants install and pay for the CCTV system.
  • The system will then need to be registered with Cam-Map.
  • Applicants then apply for the Rebate following the instructions in their Pre-approval letter within 60 days of the Pre-approval being received.

Note: The City will not process a Rebate Payment application until the applicant has received Pre-approval.

Terms and Conditions

Please read through the terms and conditions before applying. 

Pre-approval application

Applications for the CCTV Rebate Scheme for 2023/24 have now closed. Information for the 2024/25 Rebate Scheme will be available soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to apply for a previously installed CCTV system?

No, the rebate can only be applied to new installations.


How much rebate can I get?

You can claim 30 per cent (up to $500) of the total cost of a new CCTV system. 


What do I need to apply?

  • Review the CCTV Rebate Scheme - Terms and Conditions to check eligibility.
  • If you are not the property owner, obtain permission from landlord or property agent.
  • Obtain quotes and submit your application with photos of the public facing view the CCTV would capture.


What permission do I need from the property owner?

You will need a letter of approval from the property owner or property agent.


What do I need to provide to the City to get the rebate?

You are required to submit documents showing payment/s, the installers name and security installers licence number, Cam-Map WA registration and shots of the cameras view


What are the minimum requirements of the system?

  • Hard-wired cameras, with at least one with a public facing view.
  • 6-megapixel resolution.
  • 3-terrabyte hard drive.
  • Night-time capable.
  • Time/date displayed on screen.


What does a public facing view mean?

At least one camera must overlook a public area such as roads, footpaths, front verge, parks or laneways.


If I have multiple cameras installed, but only one has a public facing view, will I be eligible to receive the rebate on the total cost?

Yes, you will be eligible for a rebate on the full amount as long as at least one camera has a public facing view.


Do I have to register the cameras with WAPOL and give access to WA Police when requested?

Yes, you must register your cameras with Cam-Map and give footage to WAPOL if requested.


How will I know that I’ve been approved or not?

The City will notify all applicants, whether successful or not.


Once I have pre-approval, how long will I have to install?

You will need to install your CCTV system within 60 days of receiving pre-approval and submit all required documents within 14 days of installation.


Can I install myself?

No, the system must be installed by a licenced security installer to ensure the CCTV system is installed in accordance with the Surveillance Devices Act 1998 and Privacy Act 1988. This requirement still allows residents flexibility in their purchase, as the system does not need to be supplied through the installer.


Does the City have approved installers?

No, but the installer must be a licenced security installer. Western Australia Police Force manages a list of current Security Installer licence holders.


Can I apply for more than one rebate?

Yes, however the rebate is restricted to one per property.


Can I also apply for the WA Seniors' Rebate?

If you are a WA Seniors Card member, you may also be eligible for the Safety and Security Rebate.



For any enquiries please contact us: