Yanchep Lagoon Improvement

One of Perth’s fastest growing suburbs, Yanchep is poised to become the centre of a thriving urban corridor, stretching from Alkimos to Two Rocks.
To create greater opportunities for tourism, recreation, and economic growth in Yanchep we are completing the Yanchep Lagoon Improvement Project, working closely with residents and stakeholders to guide the future development of the Yanchep Lagoon precinct to ensure outcomes meet community needs.
News and project updates
Redevelopment of old Surf Club site
Update 12 March 2025
The City will undertake building demolition works at the old surf club site in mid-2025 to ensure the site remains safe until the redevelopment project is ready to progress.
A Lease (and Agreement for Lease) to ‘Be Our Guest Holdings’ for the redevelopment of the old Yanchep Surf Club site was approved by Council in April 2024.
The Yanchep Lagoon Community Working Group will remain involved as the project moves into detailed design and prior to the submission of a formal development application to the Western Australian Planning Commission.
The completion of the development (and its future opening date) is reliant on the connection of upgraded utility services by the City (currently under design as a separate project).
Progressing the Master Plan for Yanchep Lagoon
Update 5 February 2025
Following a recommendation from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, the City has developed a Preliminary Foreshore Management Plan (PFMP) to guide the development and management of the foreshore reserve, to ensure it retains its unique characteristics.
The Lagoon Future Community Advisory Group allowed community members to play an important role in helping shape the future development and design of the precinct, as well as the preparation of the PFMP, which will be presented to Council in February 2025. The Agenda for the February Ordinary Council Meeting will be available on the Minutes and agendas page the Friday prior to the meeting.
Yanchep Coastal Management Study
Update 5 February 2025
The Yanchep Coastal Management Study aims to address current and future coastal erosion and beach access issues.
In April 2024, the City engaged consultants, Stantec, to complete a detailed coastal engineering study. Stage one of the study is currently underway and includes the completion of a coastal processes assessment.
Stage two, which is expected to start in March 2025, will include an assessment of coastal management and beach access options. Extensive community consultation and engagement with key stakeholders will take place during this stage. A concept design of coastal management and beach access options will be developed, and a preferred option will be identified.
Any modifications to existing beach accessways will occur in late 2025 to mid-2026.
Brazier Road services and pedestrian access upgrades
Update 5 February 2025
A concept design for the delivery of services (gas, power and water) to the Yanchep Lagoon Precinct is complete.
Input on the concept design and the capacity of the existing services was sought from service providers including Alinta Gas, Western Power and the Water Corporation. The design is now ready to progress to the detailed design phase.
The City is seeking funding for the Brazier Road shared path to improve site connectivity, road safety, help reduce transport emissions and promote an active and liveable Yanchep Lagoon precinct.
Orion Café on the Map
Update 5 February 2025
The Orion Café kiosk and nearby changerooms are now complete.
The City worked closely with the café operator to improve the site’s capacity, visitation and dining experience for café customers.
The upgrades include extended café dining and service areas and a new outdoor deck area facing the ocean.
Visit the Orion Café project page for more information.
Project timeline
Next steps | |
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get involved with the Yanchep Lagoon Improvement Project?
Information on how to get involved with the Yanchep Lagoon Improvement Project will be available on this page and the City’s Your Say page.
What is the purpose of a Foreshore Management Plan (FMP)?
Foreshore Management Plans provide more detailed direction or management regimes, infrastructure requirements and approval processes for coastal areas within the boundary of the FMP. There are a number of FMPs across the City’s coastline, which are available on the City’s website.
Given the complexities of the Yanchep Lagoon area, it was agreed with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) that the Yanchep Lagoon FMP would be divided into two parts. The Preliminary FMP (part 1) is currently underway and due for completion by the end of 2024. Pending approval from DPLH it will then progress into the Final FMP (part 2).
Why is a PFMP needed as well as the Yanchep Lagoon Master Plan?
The Masterplan established a high-level vision for the Lagoon precinct but was not subject to detailed feasibility investigations. The PFMP aims to refine the high-level vision into a feasible design concept that both reflects community expectations and is able to be approved through statutory processes..
To ensure local community input into the next stage of the design process. Involving key stakeholders and community members within the Preliminary Foreshore Management Plan design process allows the City of Wanneroo (CoW) to educate people on the process and manage expectations and understanding of staging the implementing the plan over the next few years..

Open Consultations
As related projects are developed and community engagement is open, they will be listed here
Your SayProject contact
Name: Ian Ireland, Project Manager
Telephone: (08)9405 5616
Email: ian.ireland@wanneroo.wa.gov.au