Mindarie Foreshore & Kinsale Park Trail - Stop 2

- Two types of coastline found here are described below: sandy beaches on cuspate foreland and well developed limestone cliffs with various natural features;
- Taking photos of the beach at the same location will help to create a historical record of long term change; and
- There are many actions you can undertake to help protect marine wildlife.
The lookout offers good views of the two types of coastline occurring along the suburbs of Quinns Rocks and Mindarie.
Looking north, a southern side of the triangular Quinns Beach or the cuspate foreland is visible. At its most seaward point, an artificial headland was installed in 1977. The Quinns Beach is bounded by cliffs and Mindarie Marina to the south and a series of nearshore reefs and cliffs to the north (at the level of Jindalee). Changes in sediment transport at Quinns Beach are affected by complex patterns of wave climate. Offshore waves are modified through processes of shoaling, breaking, refraction and diffraction across the system of three offshore reefs before arriving to the nearshore zone. These processes are further affected by seasonal changes.
The coastal limestones in the City of Wanneroo are considered some of the best developed compared with other similar areas around the world. There are numerous examples of well-developed large solution tubes with lithified roots and the alternating bays and rocky limestone headlands with the bays containing sandy beaches backed by steep limestone cliffs. These can be found along the Mindarie foreshore, including features like a natural arch, dolines, numerous solution tubes, layers of fossil soils and caves.
The limestone rocks we see today have been exposed for about 5,000 years when the present sea level generally prevailed. The limestone coastal rocks are dynamic, environmentally sensitive to marine erosion, to salt crystalisation, wind and spray erosion and rain impact. Torrential rains can trigger structures that might have looked stable before. Therefore the stability of cliffs can change overnight and may present a hazard.
However, the designated coastal path provides nice views of the cliffs and other limestone features. Ospreys can be seen sitting on the cliffs or fishing just off the coast.
Top tips for conserving marine wildlife
- Take your rubbish such as discarded fishing gear, bait straps, plastic bags or any plastic items home to save marine animals from a slow death;
- If you find any floating bags and other plastic at sea or on the coast, please pick it up and take away with you;
- When boating, “go slow for those below”, especially over seagrass beds, shallow areas and channels where dolphins, turtles and other marine wildlife feed;
- Fish for the future – abide by fish size, bag and possession limits set by the Department of Fisheries;
- If you find a stranded, sick, injured or entangled dolphin, turtle, seal, whale or seabird, please call 24-hour Wildcare Helpline on (08) 9474 9055; and
- If you find a tagged turtle or other animal, please note the tag number and contact the Department of Parks and Wildlife.
- Cardno (2015) Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management. Coastal Processes and Preliminary Options Assessment Report. Report prepared for the City of Wanneroo.
- Eco Logical (2015) Environmental Vulnerability Assessment. In: mp rogers & associates: Coastal vulnerability study and hazard mapping. City of Wanneroo
- Gordon Geological Consultants (1997) City of Wanneroo Coastal Limestone Hazards. Report for the City of Wanneroo