Gumblossom Reserve Trail - Stop 3

In this section of the reserve, you can observe Quandong (Santalum acuminatum). The red fruits of this plant were a valuable food source to Aboriginal people.
Lomandra maritima, a species of rush, grows throughout the Reserve. This species of rush is critical to the survival of Graceful Sun moth, a species listed as Priority species under the State legislation. Sun moths are diurnal; they fly during the day and often only fly in bright sunshine during the hottest part of the day.
Graceful Sun Moth (Synemon gratiosa) can only be found in the south-west of Western Australia. Adult sun-moths are thought to live only four to ten days, and will only fly under certain conditions. Female sun moths deposit their eggs beneath the soil, at or near the base of their larval host plant, Lomandra maritima or Lomandra hermaphrodita. After hatching, the larvae tunnel within or beside the roots or rhizomes of the host plant, on which they feed (Bishop et al 2010).
Priority species, Graceful sun moth could be observed in the Reserve in late March or April.
This is the third stop along the ClimateWatch trail. Record any observations of Native Wisteria (Hardenbergia comptoniana) and any of the listed animals.
Do not forget to transfer your recordings onto the Climatewatch website when you get home.