Gumblossom Reserve Trail - Stop 2

Most of vegetation in Gumblossom Reserve consists of Mixed shrubland and heathland over shallow soils and limestone of the Quindalup Dune System of the Swan Coastal Plain. Some of the more conspicuous plants in this part of the reserve include Banksia sessilis, Melaleuca systena, Melaleuca huegelii, Templetonia retusa, Grevillea preissii subsp. preissii, Xanthorrhoea preissii and Spyridium globulossum.
The native grasses, Austrostipa flavescens and Austrostipa compressa create a nice display in springtime, with shimmering flowers.
Image: Yellow Leschenaultia (Leschenaultia linarioides) can be seen flowering for most of the year. Photos courtesy to the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc.
Different species can be observed further up along the path.
Due to the long isolation of the bushland from other bushland patches and the impacts of surrounding land uses, many non-native plants or weeds are growing in the Reserve. Dumping of garden waste, use of non-native plants on adjoining lands and frequent fires are the main contributors to weeds distribution in the Reserve.
If left un-managed they might replace the native species and change the structure of the native plant community. One of the introduced plants that flowers profusely after fire is Wild gladiolus (Gladiolus caryophyllaceus).
Image: The introduced Wild Gladiolus (Gladiolus caryophyllaceus) grows in large numbers in bushland affected by fire. Photos courtesy to the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc.
This is the second stop along the ClimateWatch trail. Record any observations of Wild Gladiolus and any of the listed animals. You might also make a note of Native buttercups and Cowslip orchids.