Gumblossom Reserve Trail - Stop 1

You are looking at the largest remnant of Banksia woodland in this Reserve. Information below describes the plants that can be found in Banksia woodlands and how you can assist with monitoring of changes in this bushland.
ClimateWatch Recording
You are at the first monitoring spot along the Gumblossom Reserve ClimateWatch Trail. If you are not familiar with the animals and plants listed on the recording sheet, download and study the Field Guide which includes photos and description of the selected species.
The Field Guide and the ClimateWatch Recording Sheet are available to download by clicking below:
Record all observations of animals listed on the form and at this particular location, record your observations of the growth status of the Candlestick Banksia (Banksia attenuata) and the Native Buttercups (Hibbertia hypericoides). In spring, you might also observe Cowslip Orchids (Caladenia flava).
After completing the sheet, follow the arrow to locate the next monitoring spot. Do not forget to record your observation on the ClimateWatch website.
Read on to find out more about Banksia woodlands.
Banksia Woodland
About 0.5 hectares of Gumblossom Reserve includes a Banksia woodland plant community associated with deeper soils of the Spearwood Dune system of the Swan Coastal Plain where this reserve is located.
The dominant trees are Candlestick Banksia (Banksia attenuata) and Firewood Banksia (Banksia menziesii).
Photos courtesy to the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc.
The flowering season of these two species complement each other, with Firewood Banksia flowering between February and September and the Candlestick Banksia between October and January. Thus they are ensuring nectar used by honeyeaters and insects is available around the year.
The understorey includes numerous flowering shrubs, sedges and herbs, including several species of orchids.
Image Left to right: Purple Enamel Orchid (Elythranthera brunonis), Cowslip Orchid (Caladenia flava), Common Donkey Orchid (Diuris corymbosa). Photos courtesy to the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc.
Some plants are common across the whole Reserve such as Melaleuca systena, Banksia sessilis, Lepidosperma angustatum and Xanthorrhoea preissii. Others are limited to specific locations in the reserve. For example, Leucopogon polymorphus and Conostephium pendulum can only be found in this portion of Banksia woodland.
Further remnants of Banksia woodland can be seen near the North-West corner of the playing courts and on the corner of Gumblossom Way and Rees Road. Zamia (Macrozamia riedlei) can only be found in this corner of the Reserve.
The full list of plants and animals recorded in Gumblossom Reserve during surveys conducted in 1994 -1996 and 2002 are available through the below link:
Gumblossom Reserve Trail Flora List
Note this list does not include plants and animals observed in the Reserve since the surveys.