Our Age Friendly approach
From 2017 to 2021, the City of Wanneroo implemented our first Age Friendly strategy. As part of this strategy, in 2019, the City became a member of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. The City’s age-friendly approach recognises the diversity among older people while promoting the inclusion and contribution of seniors in all areas of community. This approach has been integrated into our new Community Development Plan – a holistic approach to delivering healthy, safe and connected communities that recognises the interconnections within our community while ensuring support for the most vulnerable.
The City also works collaboratively with the Cities of Joondalup and Stirling through the North Metro Regional Age-friendly Partnership to maximise impact and opportunities for delivering an age-friendly North metro region.
To date, the City’s commitment to being age-friendly has had a valuable and meaningful impact in the community. Highlights include:
- A Digital Literacy Project to trial and evaluate ways to deliver digital literacy training for older people. Delivered collaboratively with the Cities of Stirling and Joondalup, digital literacy training was provided to older people via a range of modes with an evaluation provided by the UWA Social Care and Ageing (SAGE) Lab. This is leading to new outreach approaches to improving digital literacy for seniors across the City.
- Tech Connect event for seniors was held during Seniors Week in November 2021 at Ocean Keys Shopping Centre. The event assisted 45 of the attendees with one to one help with their technology challenges.
- Series of virtual reality for seniors sessions were provided during 2021. These highly popular sessions provided the City with insights on the opportunities and ways of delivering connection for seniors through technology.
- Development of an age-friendly business checklist shared with businesses throughout the City of Wanneroo. This checklist helps them to adopt age-friendly practices and always be welcoming of older residents.
- Outdoor fitness equipment designed for seniors has been installed at Monaghan Park which is specifically designed to help improve balance, flexibility and mobility for seniors and people with limited mobility.
The City thanks the community for its continuous support and contribution towards creating an age-friendly Wanneroo.