The City’s Early Childhood Officers are here to promote activities, offer advocacy and provide advice for parents, carers and their children (0 – 8 years) and parents to be. If you have any questions or would like to be more involved in what happens in the Early Years space, we would love to hear from you. Please contact 9405 5942 or 9405 5907.
Local children's activities
It's All About Play
A free program that has been specifically designed for children aged 0-4 years, their parents and carers.
Come along and play with the homemade toys, find the hidden wonders in the discovery boxes or cuddle up with a good book. It's All About Play offers a fun environment where kids can be kids and adults can enjoy play time too!
For details of weekly It's All About Play sessions taking place at each of the City's libraries, during terms times click below:
The story behind the programs
It’s All About Play was designed to complement the existing early year’s activities hosted in the City of Wanneroo. The City sponsors many local community playgroups by providing low/no cost venues from their local community centres and works in partnership with nonfor-profit organisations to ensure family services are needs led.
The City is also instrumental in the delivery of the statewide Better Beginnings program of introducing the 6 pre-literacy skills to all new babies across WA and It’s All About Play adds value to these core services.
Click below to view more information on the story behind the It's All About Play programs
It’s All About Play and You and Me – the story behind the programs
It's All About the Past
A free play session held in our museum which has been designed to introduce little ones between the ages of 2 and 5 years to the history of Wanneroo in a fun and interactive way.
The program explores different themes throughout the program via craft activities, play and storytelling. Children will have the opportunity to learn about the local history, explore the museum and examine interesting objects of the museum’s collection.
Where: Wanneroo Museum 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo
When: Every Wednesday // 10:00am to 12:30pm during term times.
Enquiries: 9405 5920
It's All About Rhymes & It's All About Stories
These sessions are an amazing way to introduce children to the wonder of their local library.
Story time is for children aged 3 to 5 year olds. The sessions are free and last about 30 minutes and include a craft activity.
Rhyme time sessions are also free and cater for younger children aged 0 - 2 years through songs and storytelling. For details of weekly It's All About Rhymes and It's All About Stories sessions taking place at each of the City's libraries, during terms times click below:
Playgroups provide an excellent opportunity for children and their carers to make new friends and have some fun.
Playgroup WA are on hand to help people find a group or set up a new one. To find a playgroup in your area contact Playgroup WA.