Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 18/02/2019 to 08/03/2019.
The City previously conducted community consultation in December 2018 with a proposal to install an angled slow point traffic treatment scheme and reduced road width along the Wanneroo Road Service Road from Flynn Drive and Hall Road.
This scheme focused on reducing speeding/hooning along the road and increasing road safety for access to properties adjacent to the service road.
Given community feedback received was not in favour of the original proposal, the scope of works for this project has since been revised and the consultation period extended.
Feedback invited on revised Traffic Management Scheme
A revised traffic management scheme plan has been developed and is attached for your information.
As part of the consultation process, your feedback ins invited via our online survey - Traffic Proposal Survey
Comments should be addressed to Traffic Services by 8 March 2019.
The City’s alternative design proposed includes verge tree planting and removal of excess road shoulder width as shown on the attached drawing.
If supported, the project will be scheduled for construction before the end of the 2018/19 financial year.
- Name: Traffic Services
- Email:
- Telephone: 9405 5000