; Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework - City of Wanneroo

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A Bushfire Advice is in place for people in an area bounded by Wanneroo Road, Bernard Road North and Bernard Road South in parts of CARABOODA in the CITY OF WANNEROO. Click for further information.


Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

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The City’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF) guides our planning processes to ensure clear alignment to, and delivery on the aspirations and priorities identified by our community. The City’s IPRF (Figure 1) is also aligned to legislative requirements for local governments in Western Australia as per the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996.

The diagram below shows how all of the elements of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework fit together to deliver council priorities which are informed by the community aspirations.

Diagram showing IPRF

Figure 1 – City of Wanneroo Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

The City has three key planning levels within the integrated planning and reporting framework that provides the core for the planning that takes place within the organisation. Two of the three levels are legislatively required as described in the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996.

The following describes the plans that sit within the three levels of planning and their roles within the organisation:

Strategic Community Plan (Level 1)

The Strategic Community Plan is a legislated ten-year plan, also known as the City’s ‘Plan for the Future’. This plan is the Council’s key strategic document that represents the community’s long-term vision, goals and priorities, and undergoes a major review every four years incorporating community and stakeholder consultation and engagement.

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Community Business Plan (Level 2)

The Corporate Business Plan (CBP) is also a legislated document and defines four years of priorities, services, projects and programs that the City will implement in order to realise the goals of the City’s Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031. The CBP is supported by various resourcing plans to enable implementation and provide guidance for the organisation and transparency to both stakeholders and the community.

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Service Unit Operational Plans (Level 3)

The City also develops annual Service Unit Operational Plans (non-legislated) for each Service Unit within the organisation, that provides a clear link between service delivery and the annual budget. The Service Unit Operational Plans provide in-depth planning for the implementation of year one of the Corporate Business Plan and details operational requirements at a more granular level.

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Other Key Components

Additional components that make up the City’s IPRF include the Annual Report and Budget Statements.

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Legislation and Standards

All local governments are required to produce a ‘Plan for the Future’ under S5.56 (1) of the Local Government Act 1995.

The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 provide a brief outline of the minimum requirements, which includes the development of a Strategic Community Plan and a Corporate Business Plan.

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